Friday, February 25, 2011

Music: 02/25/11

From here-on-in, though the reviews will still focus on new music, I may throw in random reviews of past albums I've listened to, in particular, personal favorites.  Emma Roberts' Unfabulous and More (2005) *** - Okay, Emma sings about what a junior high girl should sing about (for example, she sings about new shoes, saying "New shoes!  You rule!").  This is teen pop and it's a fun album.  I'm not sure why I decided to listen to this album now and five years after its release but there you go.  Justin Bieber's My World 2.0 *** - Yup, it's teen pop and it's age-appropriate material.  And he sounds that age.  Very likeable but not necessarily memorable.  I can see the draw.  I still prefer Selena Gomez (see below).  Loudon Wainwright III's Career Moves (1993) **** - As funny as this man can be, either in verse or or on the mic, some of his best songs are the serious and introspective ones.  Lost in the humor is a gifted songwriter who can really play that darn guitar.  This is a live album (maybe that's why this is my favorite of all his albums).  It oozes with humanity.  I love this album.  The Low Anthem's Oh My God, Charlie Darwin (2009) **** - This album is worth buying for the first three tracks alone.  Between Conor Oberst and The Low Anthem, Americana is covered quite well.  The Low Anthem writes simple but beautiful melodies, often morose and introspective in tone.  I hope they are around for a while.  The Low Anthem's Smart Flesh *** - I really, really like The Low Anthem and I'm still upset I missed them when they passed through Atlanta last year.  This album makes me happy (though it's generally morose) because it's good and it means they'll be touring soon.  I still favor Oh My God, Charlie Darwin, but that may change with a few more listens.  No obvious favorites like I had on Oh My God, Charlie Darwin, but this flows better as an album.  Selena Gomez's Kiss & Tell (2009) **** - In the same way Taylor Swift is the best post-high school young adult singer songwriter, my vote goes to Selena Gomez for best in-high school performer.  What's striking is that unlike Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez doesn't sound her age: she sounds more mature and soulful.  The songs are delicious.  Sure, it qualifies as teen pop, but this is an excellent album no matter how you view it. 

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