Sunday, February 20, 2011

Medicine: Dear UpToDate

Dear UpToDate,

F**k you.  And good afternoon.  Now let me explain myself.

I noticed my subscription renewal is due March 31, 2011.  I've found that during this month of February I've renewed many of my medical memberships.  I've also taken care of both my federal and state income taxes.  I've renewed my lease and updated my insurance policies on things like car and home.  I figured that I might as well settle the expense of renewing my UpToDate account.  I did this a few minutes ago. 

But why does the order confirmation state I have internet access available only through February 29, 2012?  In all due to respect, I believe this constitutes something called bulls**t.  In fact, it is high-grade, fulminant, and paroxysmal bulls**t.  Is it not reasonable for me to expect that I'm still covered until March 31, 2011 and that my renewal will add another year, say, to March 31, 2012?  I do not appreciate a month being stolen from me.  To be honest, I am glad I didn't do a two-year renewal, as I expect the expiration date would have also been February 29, 2012.  Perhaps future sections in your UpToDate catalog should include mathematics so I can review this knowledge deficit and see how you derive the length of your subscription terms.  Please add these sections by February 29, 2012 because my one-year renewal will end at the 11-month mark on February 29, 2012. 

Thank you for your consideration in this matter. 

Disappointed Customer, MD

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