Friday, February 25, 2011

Food: La Pietra Cucina

La Pietra Cucina *** - Has anyone ever eaten black spaghetti?  I hadn't until I went here.  It's pretty freakin' cool!  From what I understand, it's regular spaghetti but given it's color with squid ink.  When I got the dish, I had to abandon all prior food knowledge.  The full dish was black spaghetti with rock shrimp, scallions, and calabrese sausage, and it hit the spot.  Visually, your mind is thinking "Black spaghetti?!  Really?  Black spaghetti?!" but the first thing you taste is the heat of the sausage.  For a moment, you wonder if you're eating spaghetti cooked in lava.  Yet it was so delicious, I probably ate it in about five minutes.  Prior to this dish, I had the chicken soup, which was nothing spectacular.  The complimentary breads were fresh.  The service was a bit confusing.  I was one of maybe ten people in the entire restaurant, yet three different waiters served me.  Friendly but confusing.  My wallet took a hit with this experience.  But I can see why it's the new favorite for fine Italian dining.  

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