Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Music: 02/15/11

Bright Eyes' The People's Key *** - The songs are shorter, poppier, and a little more synthetic (compared to The Mystic Valley Band) though not necessarily catchier.  This is a great album, don't get me wrong.  But since Conor Oberst has set such high standards for himself, this is far from his best.  I eagerly wait to see him live on March 4.  Cut Copy's Zonoscope *** - Not as good and not as obviously likeable as In Ghost Colours.  It took a few listens, but this album grows on you each time.  At times, I felt like I should have had this album in the Caribbean.  Dream Diary's You Are The Beat **** - If The Pains of Being Pure at Heart played sunnier tunes with less distortion but more song variability, this is the resultant album: poppy awesomeness.  Nicole Atkin's Mondo Amore *** - I really like this album.  It's both louder and mellower than her debut.  She has a lovely voice.  This album is what I was hoping for; Ms. Atkins is here to stay.  The Pretty Reckless' Light Me Up *** - Lead singer Taylor Momsen has Avril Lavigne's attitude but is likeable (and prettier).  Album is sturdy, pushing the gas early ("Makes Me Wanna Die," the third track, kicks ass) before setting into cruise control and mellowing out ("You," the tenth track, is a sweet number).  Yuck's Yuck **** - Whereas Japandroids rock from beginning to end, Yuck's album has also a sombre side to their shoegazing.  The influence of Sonic Youth is there.  But Yuck is their own band; it's their sound.  This album is so good, nearly flawless from start to finish.  I can't wait to listen to this one again.  Given all these reviews, still, though, The Go! Team's Rolling Blackouts remains my favorite album of 2011 thus far. 

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