Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Within a Six Foot Radius

I'm currently in my office at the hospital.  A long day.  Not a bad day, but a long day with 21 patients.  As I sit, legs stretched out onto an adjacent couch, killing time before heading out to dinner, I note the the following items within a six-foot radius: two desktop computers, a desk phone, a printer, my pager, two cell phones (one personal and one for work), many random sheets of paper, Scotch tape in a dispenser, two ketchup packets (Hunt's, if you're curious), a used napkin, two used paper cups, a small table on which are many more unused but folded napkins, a stapler, an envelope from the Tax Division at the City of Atlanta, $0.31 in change (one quarter, one nickel, and one penny), a Bazaar magazine, an original ChapStick (red), a half pretzel, an old patient list, more Scotch tape in a dispenser, a half used bottle of Kirkland Spring Water, a 2008 Sanford guide, a purse, and crackers.  I sure wish Father William of Ockham were here to apply his incredibly logical razor ...

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