Sunday, January 9, 2011

My New Favorite Call Room

Boy, my feet were cold!  But that's quite all right, as I just hopped out of a nice long warm shower.  I plugged the tub so I could let my feet soak, almost therapeutically, in the warm water.  I like the idea of showering and being as clean as possible before hopping into bed.  And by the way, this bed appears to be a very comfortable king-sized bed.   And just for me!  Look, six pillows!  SIX!  Count'em!  I can't wait to splay out uselessly among them.  I bet if someone were to come into the room in the morning, they wouldn't find my body buried beneath the massive heaps of fluffy comfort.  I'll definitely sleep quite soundly.  And I'd sleep until eleven in the morning if I didn't have to go back into the hospital in the morning.  Though I did have to answer a few pages here and there, it was easy to get back to relaxing; with the Packers-Eagles game on the TV, talking to some friends on the phone, and having my feet propped up on that really nice and soft ottoman, I was close to falling asleep.  That is, until room service brought in the items I had requested: French onion soup, chicken wings, a margherita pizza, a Coke, water, and freshly-squeezed orange juice.  Dinner was certainly delicious!  Didn't come close to finishing it, but it was hard to resist so many great items on the menu!  I still have that one dictation to do.  I'll get to it later.  First, let me turn the thermostat up to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.  There we go!  Now, let's take a look outside: Yup, it's snowing now.  It's pretty, actually.  I'll go sit back at the desk though.  I like this desk because I can just relax with my laptop but also look out the window, watch the falling snow in the foreground while my hospital stands out in the background.  I love how this room isn't in the hospital!  I love this call room.  All call rooms should be like this!  Always!

The author of this story has been graciously been put up in a hotel, along with several other co-workers, in anticipation of a blizzard through Metro Atlanta.  A grand and well-appreciated gesture.

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