Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Music: 01/04/11

The Apples in Stereo's Travellers in Time and Space **** - Sunnier and happier than ever, but with a 70s twist.  "Hey Elevator" is as catchy as they come.  Best Coast's Crazy For You ** - Summer album with a garage-type feel.  Beach House's Teen Dream ** - Dreamy pop, but didn't blow me away like I thought it would.  Ke$sha's Cannibal *** - This is a spring-break album.  Fun dance pop ("C U Next Tuesday") but with attitude ("Cannibal").  Kylie Minogue's Aphrodite *** - So many great songs.  Kylie's got Pop covered.  Wavve's King of the Beach * - Tried to listen (twice) but they lost me.  Wolf Parade's Expo 86 **** - This album rocks.  Does it best Mount Zoomer?  Not quite, but damn good anyway.

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