Saturday, January 1, 2011


It's 9:44 AM.  What are my first thoughts waking up?  I'm tired.  First observation, though: My internet isn't working.  But alas, good thing there are some people who don't secure their networks!  I'm realizing the wine hit me harder than it should have.  I'm listening to Teenage Fanclub's "When I Still Have Thee."  I just browsed the menu at Mary Mac's Team Room.  That's it; I'm grabbing lunch there today.  I'm renewing a 10-year old resolution ("Try to do something new every day") by eating at a new restaurant for my first meal of 2011, granted one I've been wanting to go to for three years.  I figure my day is going to be filled with college football and the NHL Winter Classic, so it's probably a good idea to get out before I quarantine myself from 1 PM on.  Other than that?  Not much of an agenda.  And that's fine with me.  It's going to be a good year!

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