Monday, January 3, 2011

Gizmos Are My Shoes

Women have tons of shoes.  I've finally made my peace with that.  Over the years, I've seen these shoe collections, through direct observation or indirectly via questions of "Which pair goes better with this outfit?"  When I was younger, I'd call out friends of mine and then press further, asking what I thought were simple questions.  Why?  What's the point?  I never received an adequate answer.  For the longest time I was frustrated.  There had to be a reason! 

Until I realized that I had a similar obsession.  What did I buy?  It started with Nintendo.  Then Sega Genesis.  Then Sega CD.  I never owned Neo Geo (but I wished I did back then).  Nintendo 64.  Playstation: 1, 2, and 3.  Nintendo Wii.  I don't own X Box (but I wish I did).  And all the different games that go with each!  I've owned many different TVs, which currently includes two flat-screens over 32 inches.  I own a DVD player, VHS player, and HDTV.  I've owned many laptops.  I have a Mac desktop, PC laptop, Netbook, and a newly-upgraded iPhone 4.  I'm curious about the Kindle, Nook, and iPad.  I've debated about a second PS3.  I have sweet speakers for my Mac desktop.  I have 2.1 surround sound for my 40" inch TV screen.  But that's to hold me over when down the road I get a bigger TV.  Which would then would justify at least 5.1 surround sound.  How did I come to own all these things?  Well, I did some online shopping.  Some window shopping too.  I'd ask my buddies where they got their stuff.  Did I pay more than I should have?  In some instances, I did.  But I had to have it!  But I've found great deals too!  Oh, despite the iPhone, did I mention, I also have an iPod and an iTouch?  Now that I think of it, I have portable speakers (3 kinds) to which these MP3 players can attach.  I even have old, small but functioning speakers in my bathroom.  Earlier in 2010, my friend David wanted to buy a new 40-plus inch flat screen TV.  We spent about two hours at Best Buy.  I didn't mind.  It was fun.  Girls, if you were with us?  Well, now you know what it's like when you take us shoe shopping.  

Guys love gadgets and gizmos.  Why?  What's the point?  Ladies, I have absolutely no idea.  But if you don't ask, I won't ask.  I understand now.

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