Friday, January 28, 2011

Trips: Introduction to St. Lucia

Everyone should visit St. Lucia at one point.  

I was talking to my taxi driver/tour guide yesterday en route to the northern part of the island when he mentioned a sister that was living in New York.  "She wanted to escape to the states to work hard and become a lawyer."  I asked him what he did in his free time.  "I like to chill.  Go to the beach.  I'll never leave here."  It's an incredible island, with amazing views, beaches, volcanoes, and rain forests.  It combines the dynamic biodiversity of Puerto Rico with the shear beauty of Santorini.  And it's only 27 x 14 miles in dimension.  Why did I come here?  To chill and, perhaps, go to the beach.  The moment that captured the lifestyle here I'll have to describe to you since I was too slow to capture it on film.  We were driving up a windy part of the Western Road leading from Soufriere to Castries.  We were stuck behind a construction-sized pick-up truck.  On the back trailer was a large bed of dirt or soil.  On top of this large mound was a worker asleep on his back, soaking in the sun.  "Wouldn't you be afraid of falling off the back and onto the road?" I asked my guide, laughing.  "Nah," he responded, "he'll be fine.  He's just chilling."  

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