Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Mood

Mood is a funny thing.  

I think my default mood is a pleasant one, but moods can be influenced by certain driving events.  I've been able to predict my mood on a daily basis for the past year.  At least that's how long I've been paying attention to it.  How I react to the first driving event of the day will determine how my mood will be.  Let's take an example.  One morning, I hopped into the shower.  And it was a clumsy hop; I took down the entire shower curtain and rod, all collapsing into a heap on the bathtub floor.  How did I react?  That particular morning, I was laughing hysterically.  And it was a good day.  On another day, I easily could have let off a creative string of curse words.  And I bet it that would've been a bad day.  You can't force the reaction.  And it's hard to let up a certain mood.  

That's where food comes in.  I call food the game changer.  It changes the pace of the day.  Food can augment an already pleasant mood but it can certainly turn the mood tide.  If I'm having a particularly bad day, you can bet your house that I'm thinking about a ridiculously gluttonous meal.  I don't go for alcohol, the mood-enhancing drug of choice during college.  And medical school.  And residency.  If it's a shit show, show me some beef brisket.  If it's a sandwich between a rock and a hard place, hand me a lamb sandwich.  And if I'm still in a bad mood by dinner time, oftentimes, I'll make a reservation at a pricey restaurant.  But you know what?  Nine out of ten times my mood improves and I can deal with the rest of the day.

What about music and mood?  Usually, it's easy.  Your mood often dictates your music.  If you're about to embark on a task, you pick music that you think will enhance your productivity.  If you're about to get ready for work, you tend to pick upbeat music with rhythm and beats.  But I can't use music to change my mood.  It's not as effective.  And that seems odd to me.  Finally, have you noticed what music you pick when you have absolutely no obligations and just want to listen to music?  I just woke up about an hour or so ago.  No obligations today; I'm off today.  I had a restful sleep; don't need to be woken up per se.  No driving events yet; I'm on my default mood.  I decided to go with Eminem.  I couldn't tell you why.  And that intrigues me. 

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