Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Books: Life of Pi

Yann Martel's Life of Pi **** - Piscine "Pi" Patel loves stories, loves animals, and loves religion.  He has two degrees, one in zoology, and one in religion.  He practices Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam.  Then at the age of sixteen, he survives a shipwreck and is stranded on a boat with a 450-pound Bengal tiger.  This book asks all the questions in society today: religion? and if so, what religion? science?  Will you take a leap of faith or are you grounded in fact?  Pi wonders the same and this book is a journey toward the answers.  It's brutal but it's funny.  It's real but it's magical.  This was a rare book that I didn't dare read in anything but extreme silence.  You feel every moment of tension, fear, joy, anxiety, hunger, pain  as if  you were on board that lifeboat.  That is how vivid Pi's world is; you're fully immersed in it.  Pi loves his stories.  And I love this story.  Yann Martel is a master storyteller.  

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