Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Man & His Man Crush

I was asked this by Kendra a few weeks ago.  It's an interesting question and this has come up - strangely and no pun intended - in conversation quite frequently.  First, there appears to be this unsaid distinction between man crush (actor/musician) and boy crush (non-actor/musician).  Second, men are more likely to have man crushes than women are to have woman crushes.  I don't understand this.  Perhaps it's based on the same argument why a man finds two women making out sexy while a woman finds two men making out not-so-sexy.  Maybe the phrase woman crushes doesn't roll off the tongue ... It has taken careful deliberation.  I've heard of other guys rooting for Brad Pitt or Owen Wilson.  As for me, I would have to pick Matt Damon.  Clearly he's intelligent; something I realized when he appeared on Inside the Actors Studio.  Plus, he helped pen Good Will Hunting with that other guy (some guys have man crushes on Ben Affleck, though I don't know why).  He appears to be a cool guy to hang out with but he can also kick fucking ass as Jason Bourne.  I didn't see his other action movies, but I'm sure he's great in those.  Plus, there was that recent comedy, The Informant, which I'm sure  he's hilarious in, though, again, I haven't seen it ... Hmmm, perhaps this is all the man crush talking. 

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