Monday, December 27, 2010

Books: Harry Potter (Book 1)

J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1) **** - I know I'm behind the times.  But I finally read it.  And I loved it!  I'm trying to remember if there were any books during my time in elementary or middle or high school that grabbed me as much as this one.  It probably is the best page-turner I've read in a long time.  And I should've read this a long time ago.  It's wildly imaginative but rooted in so much familiarity.  Wizards go to school too.  I love that they celebrate Christmas at Hogwarts.  Soccer does seem boring compared to quidditch.  Yet despite such a fantastical world, it's believable.  Maybe it's because we can relate to them, because the characters are so human.  Who hasn't been the bullied Harry Potter?  Who hasn't faced their own Draco Malfoy?  Who hasn't looked up to a Dumbledore?  It's fun, it's creative, and most of all, it's a great story.  I'll admit, when I read the last paragraph, I was disappointed the book was over.  Then again, I do have six more books to go.

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