Thursday, December 30, 2010

How should I spend my $45?

I just got an email from Best Buy.  Not only have I been promoted to Silver Member Status (I'm not particularly sure what that means), but I also have $45 in Reward Zone cash that expires July 2011.  I've run into this situation before, earlier this year in fact.  I had about $30 in Reward Zone cash.  First, I didn't know how to spend it.  Then I completely forgot all about it.  Thirty free dollars - POOF! - disappeared just like that.  I am not making that mistake again!  But at the same time, I don't think having this Monopoly money justifies, say, another Playstation 3 or a 65" flat-screen TV with internet and 3-D capabilities.  Or a Macbook Air.  Or a new camera.  So how to use it?  Well, a safe bet is stockpiling ammunition: paper, blank CDs or DVDs, and printer ink.  Smart yes, but completely unsatisfying purchases.  I can already feel the judgmental stares by the cashiers when I hand them my Best Buy currency for paper, something which may become obsolete by the twenty-second century.  The new idea I had was cashing them in for music.  I don't think they have gift cards for Amazon, my music source of choice since it's much cheaper than iTunes.  But maybe iTunes gift cards are the way to go.  I have some time to debate.  Let's hope the same thing doesn't happen like last time, and I completely forget to continue debating.  

1 comment:

  1. Don't be like me, whereby I mean that $100 free money=$900 new debt!
