Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Well, I've done it.  I've joined the world of bloggers.  No less on Christmas Day.  Even more no less is that it's the first White Christmas in Atlanta since 1880 based on a reliable source (a friend's Facebook status update).  I, myself, am trying to figure out why I've created this blog space.  Boredom?  Perhaps.  A need to write again?  Maybe that too.  The past six months ... Scratch that, the past year has been such a whirlwind ... and in a good way.  I think it reflects a way of organizing my own thoughts.  A lot of things, good things, have happened this year.  So much of everything ... people, places, food, music ... stories too.  And let me add, it's good to be picking up books again, though I'm not quite at the intellectual level of my brother, who appears to be undertaking a literary quest to conquer all biblical and classic texts.  Basically what I'm saying is, does anyone else have this fear that there's too much to do and too little time to do it in?

Why the name of my blog?  The way I see it, this blog is me talking (writing) out loud.  It so happened that Eminem's song of the same title was playing in the background and it seemed appropriate.  For those playing, let's see how many times I change my blog title ...

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