Monday, March 14, 2011

Trips: Cabo San Lucas (Day 5)

March 9, 2011

Our resort was huge.  It took us until this day, the last full day in Cabo, to discover the beach-side pool and jacuzzi.  While Leah was sleeping, I ran around the whole resort, trying to find all the scenic spots, trying to find access to rooftops.  It was through this process that I discovered the beach-side pool and jacuzzi.  We headed straight here once Leah woke up. 

We claimed the jacuzzi.  With a view of Land's End, but with sunlight somewhat blocked by a tall but perfectly placed palm tree, it was heaven.  Until we hopped into the pool just to the right of the jacuzzi.  We hopped in and Leah claimed it was the greatest pool in the world.  It might have been.  It was warmer than other pools.  It was misshapen, but perfectly sized for two people to hang out but have enough space.  The view: enough said.  Everything about it was right.  But in all the years I've known Leah, this was the first time I did not see her turn blue or go fetal when hopping into the pool.  It was a priceless moment.  (Much to Leah's chagrin, we went back to this pool one day later only to learn it was actually a mild temperature jacuzzi.  This was hilarious to me.)  

We had another simple lunch before preparing for the big dinner at Edith's.  We decided to walk the length of Playa de Medano to get to Edith's.  We found ourselves checking out other resorts, equally impressive.  Some just had beds, like in some posh NYC bars, strewn about the resort and even the beach itself.  Pretty neat actually.  This place had a feel of sexy and STDs.  That's when we noticed the pictures of Paris Hilton and Rob Schneider on the wall.  Enough said. 

We got to Edith's and a bit early.  We strolled for a bit and happened upon The Office, which we had heard about.  We went in to grab a drink before dinner.  It was a awesome place.  Great atmosphere and completely vivid with its colors and decorations.  It was right on the beach.  Literally, tables and chairs on the beach.  Somehow Leah and I got tricked into order a double pina colada.  Each!  I called it quits halfway through.  Leah toughed it out, but feared that she would fall victim to dinner due to her limited stomach size.  We asked the waiter named Tiger what to order for breakfast, as we decided to come to breakfast the next day.  He said the machaca omelet, the machaca burrito, and flour tortillas.  Done, done, and done! 

Edith's **** - We got to Edith's at 6 PM, right on time.  I gave my name and was welcomed with a,"Ahhh, Senor Jeff!"  It was as if he was glad to meet me.  (This will come into play later.)  We were sat at our table.  Literally, everything on the menu sounded delicious.  We were waited on by an array of servers, with army-like efficiency but ballet-type grace.  We ordered the seafood chowder and Caesar salad as our appetizers.  (Historical note about the Caesar salad: it was reportedly born and created in Tijuana, so Mexicans in the Baja take tremendous pride in their Caesar salads.  It is claimed that Edith's has the best Caesar salad in the world.)  Next came the guy to show us the fresh selection of meats and seafood at our disposable.  We decided on the Wally 2: a plate with ribeye, shrimp, and lobster.  We were given a pre-appetizer, a plain tortilla, almost a mini-taco.  Yum.  The seafood chowder: absolutely fresh and delicious.  The Caesar salad: it was made right in front of us, including the sauce which was made from scratch, and I must say, it was the freshest lettuce and best Caesar dressing I've had.  Not that I've eaten a ton of Caesar's salads, but it's certainly the best I've ever had.  It was at this point in the dinner that a band consisting of two guitarists and bassist come table-side: I requested a traditional song.  I'll tell you, live music took the dinner experience to another level.  Finally, they delivered the dinner plate.  I found it hilarious that they put it front of Leah.  She had a ghostly look of shock as if to say, "Are you f**kin' kidding me?!"  Shrimp, lobster, and ribeye were all equally amazing.  As simple as that.  The ribeye was the most plain steak I've ever had: no sauce, only seasoning.  We ate every last bite of every dish.  After Leah came back from the bathroom, I started to notice something else coming together.  See, I called in during the day to tell them it was her birthday in a week.  I piece of flan with a candle was placed in front of Leah as the band descended again.  She couldn't piece it together.  So I told her.  A Mexican birthday song was played and yes, she did a shot of tequila and somehow swirled her head round and round.  Remember the greeting of "Ahhh, Senor Jeff"?  That's why.  It's not every time you get to celebrate a birthday in another country.  The flan was excellent.  The overall experience was unforgettable, possibly the best sit-down dinner I've had.  I must add, the service was impeccable.  Joel told me about his experience at Per Se.  We felt the same way.  So much attention to little details and not necessarily to the food.  Yet it wasn't snooty.  It was fun, fun, fun the whole way around.  

My consciousness quickly faded as we decided to walk off this massive protein and calorie load.  It was a gorgeous night to walk back on Playa de Medano to our hotel.  The problem was, I wasn't paying attention.  An hour later, Leah called me out and pointed that we were way passed where we needed to be.  We trespassed a resort property to verify that this was true.  I barely made it back into the hotel room.  I just rubbed my belly and took a nap.  I woke shy of midnight to find Leah packing.  I did the same.  Reality was approaching; we would be leaving the next day.  

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