Sunday, March 27, 2011

Music: 03/27/11

Eisley's The Valley *** - They're not ground-breaking, but no one sounds like them.  Great.  Jennifer Hudson's I Remember Me *** - Full of soul and grove.  She knows what she does well and she proceeds to do it well.  Lykke Li's Wounded Rhymes **** - It took a second listen on a rainy Sunday for this album to click.  Brilliant.  Telekinesis' 12 Desperate Straight Lines ** - Fun, energetic, and indie.  Not bad.  The Strokes' Angles *** - Oh, it's so good to hear them back.  They still rock.  I'm not sure if there are really any hits like they've had in the past.  At least not obviously.  Falls short compared to Is This It or Room on Fire, but they set the bar high for themselves.  I'm stoked to see them at Coachella this year.  Those Dancing Days' Daydreams and Nightmares **** - This Swedish pop albums feels like it comes from the 80s, but it completely fits current times.  Short simple songs, but perfect.  Whereas Lykke Li's album is best suited for rainy day weather, play this in summertime.  Love this album.

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