Monday, March 14, 2011

Smartphone Anti-Theft Features

My friend had her phone stolen.  That sucks.  We had a barbecue on Saturday night when I learned about this.  What came of it was a large brainstorming rant of what features we wished smartphones had to prevent thieves like this from reaping the benefits of a stolen phone. Who knows maybe these apps are out there. 

Fingerprint recognition 
If a phone is stolen, how about taking advantage of the touch screen capability and use it to register a thief's fingerprints?  Granted it may only work well without a protective screen slip, which most of us do use.  

Incriminating photo
Once the phone was reported stolen, next time the phone is used, the camera should automatically take a photo of the person and make this photo incapable of being deleted.  It would somehow be forwarded to some site or somewhere this photo can be used to help track down the phone. 

Bomb mode
This was Sameera's idea and I love it.  If someone stole your phone, why not activate bomb mode?  It would flash a screen with a big red digital clock, counting down the number of seconds or minutes until detonation.  It would explode to wipe out only the thief (a one-person radius).  On of top of it, you could send text messages saying things like "Eat shit, asshole" or "Talk 2 u later!"  Okay, this may not happen in a post-9/11 world.  But there could be variations of this mode too. 

Taser or shock mode
This function should initiate when the phone is used for conversation or stored in the pocket such as to shock sensitive parts of the body, like the face and genitals. 

Emit loud piercing, deafening sound
I thought this was a feature anyway.  But in any case, how about a loud incapacitating and piercing sound, especially within quick notice of it being stolen? 

All I know is when I heard her story it made me think about how much I depend on my phone.  But seriously, some tips: 

Always keep the phone on you
Don't leave it out, even at a dinner table!  We're all guilty of that!

Use the security password feature
If you have a security code function to the phone, use it!  It's worth the few seconds each time.  

Note your IMEI number
Dial "*#06#" to pull up your phone's unique IMEI number.  Write this down.  If your phone is stolen, call your phone company and give them the IMEI number so that they can blacklist your stolen phone and prevent it from being used by the bastard thief. 

Think about the information you keep on your phone
Just think about what could be accessed if stolen. 

Any other tips? 

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