Saturday, June 4, 2011

Food: Blue Heaven

Blue Heaven *** (Key West, FL) - If there's any place that has the look and feel of Key West, it's Blue Heaven.  It's tucked away just behind Duval Street.  You enter through a blue gate and find yourself in a tropical backyard that's simply furnished with patio furniture and waiters and waitresses who wear sneakers.  This seems to be a favorite for hangover cures but also the locals: one of the waiters said there's been a couple coming there every day for what seems like a decade.  My breakfast: a lobster, bacon, and Swiss cheese omelet with homemade toast.  This omelet was the size of a brick.  I finished it though and it sat like a brick.  I ordered it because the waitress loved it and, well, I'd never had lobster for breakfast: original and pretty darn good.  Would I come back?  Most definitely.  This place is unique with good food.  Add to the experience the chickens and roosters freely roaming the backyard, which makes you wonder about the origin of the eggs.  But I digress.  (Addendum 06/07/11: Didn't realize this, but Ernest Hemingway back in the day, when Blue Heaven was a saloon, used to referee boxing matches here.)

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