Saturday, June 4, 2011

Books: The Old Man and the Sea

Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea **** - I finished this book in two sittings.  I started reading it in Mallory Square during sunset in Key West.  I found a copy of this book at a local bookstore only a few blocks away from Hemingway's old house in Key West.  This was a page-turner for me.  I read the final eighty pages (the second sitting) from the comfort of my room.  I really loved this book.  I was heavily invested in his battle with the big fish.  I shared his sadness as he made his journey home.  I'm sure you can make parallels of this story, to Jesus Christ and the Bible or to his own literary career.  I'll leave that to the professionals.  I can tell you I really enjoyed this story.  His writing is simple but powerful.  The themes and characters would have been fun to dissect in an English class.  That made me wonder: Was I never required to read any Hemingway in an English class?  I thought long and hard and I realized that The Old Man and the Sea is my first reading of a Hemingway piece.  This upset me.  I went back to the local bookstore.  I bought a copy of A Farewell to Arms. 

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