Monday, April 18, 2011

Trips: Coachella 2011 (Best & Worst List)

Best Morning Smell: 
Waking up to a neighbor cooking bacon on the grill.

Worst Morning Smell: 
Piles of horse shit.  

Best Donation from a Neighbor at Campsite: 
A pillow.  

Best Snack to Have with Beer: 
Frosted Flakes.  

Worst Snack to Have with Beer: 
Sour Patch Kids.  

Worst Weather Related News: 
On the radio: "The desert can expect a new heat wave this weekend." 

Best Emergency Shade: 
Under a palm tree (on site) or under a car like a mechanic (camping).

Best Daytime Act: 
Tie between Gogol Bordello & Cage the Elephant.
Best Nighttime Act If Under the Influence of Drugs: 
Crystal Castles. 

Worst Act: 
Animal Collective (by far).

Biggest Disappointment According to Me: 
Tie between Animal Collective and lack of guest stars during Kanye's set (interesting given that Rihanna, Beyonce, Katy Perry, and Usher were present for Kanye's show). 

Biggest Disappointment According to My Neighbors: 
The Black Keys were reportedly "off" and "flat." 

Most Lively Tent: 
Tie between The Drums and Cut Copy.  

Worst Time Slot Conflict: 
Tie between Friday 8:30 PM featuring The Black Keys vs. Cut Copy and Saturday 6 PM featuring Broken Social Scene vs. The New Pornographers. 

Most Difficult Tactical Decision Made: 
Skipping The National in order to claim front row access for The Strokes and Kanye West.
Most Puzzling Sequence of Artists on a Stage: 
Sunday, Coachella stage (in order from 5 PM to the end): Nas & Damian Marley, Death From Above 1979, Duran Duran, The Strokes, and Kanye West.

Biggest Surprise (Non-Musical): 
Non-congested and surprisingly good phone service. 

Biggest Surprise (Musical): 
The Black Keys having an off night.

Best Discovery (Artist to Whom I Had Never Been Previously Exposed):
Four-way tie between Hurts, Mariachi El Bronx, The Joy Formidable, and Death From Above 1979.  

Most Psychotic-Looking Lead Singer: 
Jonathan Pierce of The Drums.

Most Psychotic-Acting Lead Singer: 
Alice Glass of Crystal Castles.

Most Bloody Noses: 
Death From Above 1979.

Most Fans Leaving an Act Crying or Physically Hurt: 
Death From Above 1979.  

Most Balls: 
Arcade Fire.

Most Ballet Dancers: 
Kanye West.  

Most Random Line by a Lead Singer to Energize a Crowd and Succeed: 
"Do you believe in love?!" Julian Casablancas of The Strokes.  

Best Crowd Chant Before an Act: 
Phonetically chanting before Kanye's show "TAY-LOR SWIFT!  TAY-LOR SWIFT!"

Best Entrance: 
Kanye West entered via crane while "Dark Fantasy" starts.  

Best Stage Presence: 
Kanye West.

Loudest Sing-a-long: 
Tie between Arcade Fire's "Wake Up" and Kanye West's "Dark Fantasy".

Best Guest Appearance: 
Justin Vernon of Bon Iver performing with Kanye West. 

Best Ending:
When hundreds of LED-lighted large balls spilled into the crowd during "Wake Up" by Arcade Fire.  

Most Fun Moment:
When hundreds of LED-lighted large balls spilled into the crowd during "Wake Up" by Arcade Fire.  

Best Comment:
Tie between "Dude, Rihanna was at Kanye's show!  Yeah, Rihanna was at Coachella, ella, ella, ay ay ay" and "Oh, the post-festival hangover.  I'm gonna vomit lyrics."

Worst Comment: 
Before the Arcade Fire show, some guy standing behind me, saying to a friend, "So, who are these Arcade Fire?"  

Most Random Thing:
Tie between high-fiving David Hasselhoff at the Duran Duran show and Marcus Mumford three feet away from me rocking out to Arcade Fire.

Worst Thing About Coachella: 
Defective wristbands and lack of water stations. 

Best Thing About Coachella:
The backdrop; you can't beat the palm trees and mountains.

Best Act: 
Stay tuned for a Top Acts of Coachella 2011 List.

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